Montag, 24. Juni 2013

Inspirations and photos from my phone ...

Nowy post bedzie za 2 dni jakos lub jutro gdzie prezentuje  moj outfit  wiec czekajac mozecie sie cieszyc tym postem , to nie za duzo zdjec ale zawsze cos :) Mam duzo pomyslow co tu bede dodawac i pomysl mam zeby zalozyc konto na portalu youtube i robic filmiki z podkladem muzycznym , a na tych filmikach zazwyczaj sa takie chwile z mojego zycia lub zabawne momenty z przyjaciolkami ,jakies wydarzenie ,podoba mi sie takie cos a inspiracja jest polska blogerka ;) Piszcie w komentarzach tez swoje pomysly ,chetnie przeczytam :) ! Zapraszam na moj Instagram
 New post is coming in 2 days so stay tuned ! :) In this next post I want show you my outfit so when you wait you can now see this post because I dont want let you to wait so many time and I like bloging ... I have many ideas for this what I can here post and I have idea to make a new account on Youtube and make video with music what I like where I am with my friends and have fun nd moment of my live etc. My inspiration to this is fashion famous polish blogger which I like :) But you can write in comments what you want see here (your ideas) what I really want like to read :) Here you can too my Instagram ... I know that I dont write very well in English but I want have contact with people from others country ,and hope you like it ! :)

Here some photos ! :


1 Kommentar:

  1. i love the pictures of the shoes!

